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Getting closer to acceptance

The last couple of weeks have been quite intense for me. I felt a lot of confusion, like I was slipping back into my old self, stuck in my head, overthinking everything. Small details, big decisions; it all felt overwhelming. Today, I listened to a talk from Osho, a recording about acceptance, and it really struck me. What came across for me was that “the only thing you can do is to accept.”

That idea hit me hard because I’ve been so caught up in trying to change, in not being okay with who I am right now. I wasn’t accepting that I was confused, angry, and frustrated about so many things. I was frustrated with how I respond, how I take things personally, how I want to be liked, and how hard it is for me to say no. I wasn’t accepting any of these parts of myself. Instead, I was sort of spiritually bypassing, thinking I should be somewhere else, knowing better.

But what I heard Osho say was, “Be where you are, be who you are. If you’re in fear, be that and live it. If you feel like a coward, be that.” Existence gave these things to you; if they’re part of you, then they’re worth exploring, not pushing aside.

It made me realize how often I fall into the trap of controlling, of getting lost in my mind, of not wanting to be who I am. I wasn’t seeing the changes I’ve already made in the past months because I was too focused on being a step ahead. Osho also mentioned that if you totally accept who you are in the moment, things will transform on their own. But if you’re accepting just because you want to change, it’s not real acceptance. You’re still focused on the transformation, so it doesn’t work.

I wanted to share this with you because it felt profound, especially in the personal development space where we’re always working on ourselves. I realized that I don’t need to change who I am, I need to just be, and fully live that. Accept it all. If some people don’t like it, that’s okay. If some people do, that’s okay too. It was a big reminder for me, and maybe it can be for you as well.


 journey of rebirth

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x Nina


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